A lessoned learned. In case you haven't heard, the Univerisity of Tennessee Men's basketball star Chris Lofton, was diagnosed with testicular cancer in March of 2007. He played through it without telling his teamates, his friends, and his fans. Now a year later after leading the team to the Sweet 16 two years in a row, he came out publicly last week about his fight with cancer. Now, more than ever there is an overwhelming amount of respect for Chris Lofton. For one, he didn't use his illness as a crutch for sympathy from his teammates or Tennessee fans, two...basketball, he didn't quit. Simply put, seeing this man around campus and running into him a couple of times... we NEVER knew, he remained positive and played like there was no tomorrow, he's a survivor. A student and fan of Chris Lofton's at UT did this video displaying his impecable skills on the grain, to Lupe Fiasco's, "Instumental". Enjoy.
i can't watch the video now, but this is a very inspiring story. i didn't know you attended UT. do you ever see candace parker around campus?
Yeah, I'd see Candace ever so often. She was mostly ghost on campus.My friend is a Lady Vols B-Ball manager and works very closley with the girls and Pat Summit.
But Chris Lofton was like the more accessible player on campus, b/c he lived on campus. So, I'd run into him all the time. He's a cool dude, quiet and to himself. But, he's okay now, he beat the cancer, which is awesome! How ya been??
I've been fine. Just working and honing my skills. Good to see that you haven't forgotten about your readers. Props.
I ended up reading about Lofton. That is definitely a inspirational story he lives. I agree @ which is awesome! Parker being ghost on campus. Too funny.
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