Friday, April 25

The Misses has been M.I.A.

Yes indeedy, I've been gone for a minute. Let me catch you up with my worldly affairs really quickly.

The Misses and her activities (in and out of the 3rd person)

- She's been writing 3 papers 4-5 pages a piece for the last 3-4 weeks (yeah, I was doing it and then putting it off, it's easier for me to write a blog than a paper, ya dig?)

- She fabulously celebrated her 21st b-day on 4/20! Throw ya glasses in the sky!

- The Misses has been studying her ass off because finals are a BIZNICH to the 4th damn power!

- And she is about to become La Seniora (Senior)!

So, the summer officially beings on May 1, 2008 for me. That means I'm back to blogging with a vengeance! I'm really excited so be patient... the FIRE is about to come! Holler.

1 comment:

Don said...

happy 21st. legal.

and i didn't realize you were so busy with your studies. good deal. handle your business. also its definitely easier writing a blog than articles and whatever else.

when you return i found an old video (and post inspiration) of your boy - THE BEAST. lol.