Sunday, February 17

Toronto Stand the F' Up!!!

I've been meaning to post this for the longest time. But, I think it might be a bit fitting since Kanye's video premier of "Flashing Lights" is to be airing tomorrow on BET. Colin Munroe, is a Canadian artist that has gotten critical acclaim from the man himself, Mr. Kanye West, with his rendition of Kanye's "Flashing Lights". It is actually really hot and the video is superdope.

He's an idie artist (indie artist are the shizz right now) and check this...his first buddy on his top friends list... J to tha Dilla! Doesn't get any better than that. Check out his myspace, he's got some free downloads up, so cop them fast before he takes them down and check his other songs, those are pretty nice as well. So, without further adu..."I Want Those Flashing Lights". enjoy.

1 comment:

Don said...

Yeah, I've seen Munroe's video before (love the song)...but thanks for the heads up.