Some little shawty killed Omar!? Oh, the irony. I'm offically, five episodes into The Wire...don't blame me, I didn't have HBO until I came to college, lol. I like it though. I may be able to catch up on the last six years?? nahhh. I'll just watch the final episode and then catch the rest on BET. 

Great, great show. My favorite. Although I am not feeling a kid taking a cold-blooder killer out the game. Did you see where one of Marlo's boys got popped?
Oops, maybe I am saying too much. lol.
Oh, so you wanna give away secrets, huh lol!!?? But funny thing is I know who is about to be leaving the Earth on next week as well, lol!
I keep hearing how it wasnt Omar who got knocked, but his brother Anthony who was mentioned briefly in season 1. Are fans about to be thrown for a loop here. I must admit, I did think something was strange when Omar walked into that convience store without limping.
Snoop. Gone.
ahh!! I know, lol!! crazy crazy!
I am soooo ready for this finale!!! What do you think is gonna happen?
I dont think the charges against Marlo will stick. And I think McNulty makes it. Im unsure about Mike.
And you?
I have email notificatons on. Then again, Im thinking you already realize that since you posted a comment in this thread again, right?
Lol, yeah I have email notifications because before I didn't I had no idea people were commenting me, lol.
But man, I don't know how The Wire is gonna go down.
Like you said I do think McNulty will make it out but then again, lol...if he didn't that would be awesome TV. Marlo is smart...he'll be left untouched and back to his street ways. But I know one thing, that dirty journalist better go down, lol!!
Same here. Email notifications received by an IPhone are the business. I find myself blogging while sitting in church, sometimes. Even while walking around a grocery store.
Im so embarrassed now that I see you were talking about Making The Band. lol.
Heres my official: I think McNulty commits suicide. I think Marlo walks but Omar murders him. I dont think that was really Omar who got wacked in the store. Thats his brother. I think Mike becomes the king, because it seems the producers have chosen him to show how a ganglord comes about.
I think there are alot of people who are going to end up getting fired.
UMM!!! Do you work for the show, lol !!?? Those all seem like really good possibilities!
Yeah, like you said, I think people are going to get fired because everyone is going to be exposed. And my friend and I are really wanting that dirty journalist to burn in hell. McNulty commiting suicide... man, sad ending but I can so see that. And I REALLY hope that was Omar's brother as morbid as that sounds because I like Omar.
Seven more minutes till the finale!! Can't wait!
So what did you think?
Okay, sry for the late response! I am now offically free from mid-terms!! whew!
So, the was okay. I was really disappointed about the dirty journalist getting away with everything.
I'm glad things didn't completely fry out for McNulty.
Really sad about all the kids who are about to be repeating this same vicious cycle that the audience witnessed for the past five seasons, taking on the identities of past characters.
Marlow...shame, shame, shame. He had a golden opportunity to live a better life, but he just couldn't turn his back on the streets.
I thought Kima was very strong for telling the chief about the whole McNulty operation. She had to do what she had to do, being a single mother and a woman in a male dominated field, so... yay for her.
And!! I actually jumped outta my seat a bit when they shot Method Man. I knew they had to let him go, lol.
What did you think? I know the finale was more symbolic than I have described above, but that would take me all day to write, lol.
I'll read and hit up this post later, as well.
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