Friday, January 11

Say Word.

Just got off of and was told by them to get off my @$$ and read J*Davey's blog post on the music industry... and I followed accordingly...I was hit with the REAL SHiizz.

"this is intended for all of you lowly puppets who sit in your big offices in big buildings that will soon be out of business & thus, forced to hold vacant memories of an industry that once was . this is for all of the big wigs in suits & ties who sit at the head of the conference room table with creative opinions as empty as the "music" they force down the throats of the now bored & uninspired creative consumers . this is for all the idle assistants who only work hard enough to get their names on the grammy party lists, or whose only existence remains obsolete if he/she can't get into the hot new band's hollywood show debut . this is for the borderline retarded a&r guy who should in fact abandon his dreams of changing the failing record industry to become a highly paid talent scout at a modeling agency . this is definitely for all the marketing low lives who fail to avidly push great talent because the world's fave reality slut randomly decided one day while botoxing her armpits that she wants to be a rockstar ."

yes .
this open letter is for all of you...

**To read the rest just venture over to the left side of the blog to the "oh the tangled webs i weave" section and hit 'J*Davey!' to read the rest**

1 comment:

Eb the Celeb said...

i just read it too. amazing response. I just did a colloquy last semester finishing up my masters at nyu in music business and it was on the lack of Urban A&R in the new music industry so I could completely relate to everything she was saying. Sad part is that I dont think their will ever be a change. The industry is money driven and right now that's wha consumers are buying. We have to first change the mentality of the consumers and that could take a lifetime to re-build