Wednesday, January 30

Congratulations to Ms. Ruby Dee

She walked away with a SAG Award for Best Supporting Actress for her role in American Gangster on Sunday.

Ruby Dee

On a personal note, she is a really sweet lady. I had the privilege of being her personal assistant for a day. She's very funny, loves lipstick, lol....we tested our knowledge of Spanish with each other for a while (of course she knew more than me), we talked about our common love for Spike Lee and his movies and she even shared with me her one-on-one interview with Alicia Keys for IFC's Iconclast. The last thing she said to me was, "Whenever you're in New York look me up!" I just started to laugh a bit...I don't think that's ever going to happen, lol. But she is truly legendary, one of a kind, and is a positive person. So congrats to her and I hope she snags that Oscar!!!

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