Monday, January 14

BET Founder Slams Obama??

In my oh so HUMBLE opinion, I whole heartedly believe that Bob Johnson is a disgrace to the African American people. He is single handily responsible for allowing the image of African Americans (which isn't such a great one) to be broadcast around the world through the network Black Entertainment Television. He's allowed the life of fancy cars, rims, big booty women, chains, ice, bling-bling, violence, sex, drugs AND the infamous Nelly sliding a damn credit card through a woman's back-side into the home's of young African American viewers and we wonder why African Americans are more likely single parents, on the streets and in prison than on college campuses and receiving degrees.

Yes, I understand that Hilary and Bill Clinton have helped countless times and reached out to the black community, but who better to support us than Obama?? Yes, I know he was raised by his white grandparents, who is to say he didn't struggle through all of that? YES, I know he has family in West Africa, don't knock the man because he has family in a different country and he wants to give back.

And Johnson has a problem with Obama admitting to using illegal substances in his early days?? Oh, really hmm...seems like Johnson's track record for allowing children to be EXPOSED to that same BS I mentioned earlier is much worse. I haven't even supported BET since it SOLD itself out to a Viacom, whatever happened to keeping it all in the family?? You know what, come to think about it, I'm not surprised by Johnson's decision to support Clinton over Obama just because of his track record of selling out.

**I believe in standing behind our black meand I support any POSITIVE effort. I will support him through any ups and downs, any blows any triumphs, I will be there. BUT PLEASE remember it is about the issues NOT about the color of anyone's skin or their gender. This is NOT a gender or race based campaign on any part. I'm not slamming Hilary, but I think Bob Johnson's views are just jacked, I've always had a problem with him and the current CEO of BET for allowing all the Buffoonery to continue on BET. Am I a hypocrite in saying that 'yes, he's entitled to his own opinion' and then I go on to express my views on how I think he is in the wrong? Sure. I'm entitled to mine as well. If someone says I'm wrong...not mad at ya, just come correct with valid facts to back up your opinions. This is politics, if you don't like it, you might want to back up. Educate yourselves. Peace.


1 comment:

Don said...

BET is a major STAN.